Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Happy New Year!

I sit here reflecting on what a great year 2012 was for me artistically.  I had some amazing shows and I think I produced my best pieces ever. I've been pushing myself artistically and finally seeing those results.  The proudest moment being my show December 1, when Jezebel took 1st in Workmanship, Grand in Workmanship, Reserve Grand workmanship resin, and Reserve Grandest of Grand.  That victory gave me the creative boost I really needed.

What will 2013 hold?  A lot, I am afraid.  I think I'll scale back the resin purchases although I will purchase a "Tiny" resin from Sara Rose.  Actually, maybe a couple of those. One to sell, one to keep.  I would LOVE to get a Bacchus but he is a little expensive right now and I am trying to save up for NAN.  I will definitely be purchasing more Breyers this year.  They have some great molds coming down the pike.

I suppose the biggest thing of 2013 will be NAN held in Harrisburg this year.  I have a decent amount of horses going.  I would like to get more qualified if I can.  It will be a tough show.  I would die if one of my pieces placed there! I know showing isn't all about winning, but winning is great.

I'll be traveling to NAN with a fellow hobbyist, so we will be there for each other for support. I am so glad I know exactly where NAN will be held, as I was there for a show in October.

Well, today being the first day of the new year and all, I think I'll get some stablemates prepped and ready for paint. 

Here's to a creative, exciting hobby year!

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