Friday, November 11, 2011


I started working on Sheza. She is going to be a really sooty buckskin.  She went through this absolutely hideous period where I seriously had doubts.  Then, I started blocking in some dapples.

Here she is so far:

Just starting to add dapples here           
 I am so terrified I am going to "ruin" her.  I am really going to take my time. I haven't sealed anything in, so I can totally "delete" the dapples. LOL!  It has been way to cold and windy here to do any sealing anyway.

I haven't started on Sadie yet. I am really nervous to start on her as some really experienced artists have been having trouble with her and how she is sculpted. Gulp!

I also listed another of my pieces for sale on Ebay.


Lesson learned, I put a reserve of $150 on this guy. So far no bids. If he doesn't sell, so be it but at least I won't be "giving" him away like I did with Ben. At least Ben went to a good home, but still.

We'll see how it goes.

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