Monday, November 21, 2011


Wooo hooo! I sold my grulla Rompadeux to a fellow hobbyist.  I am sooo excited, but nervous too. I hope she likes it as much in person as she does with the photographs.  I have him all packed up and ready to roll, so he'll ship out today.

I had Rompy up on ebay but he really didn't do that well. I had a reserve set on him so maybe that scared some folks off.  I had him listed a little high at $150. Hey, a girl can dream, right?  LOL.  I eventually sold him for $100, which is a very fair price for an unknown artist.

I haven't done too much work this week. The weather has been really wierd.  Rainy, windy, cold, then warm. I am hoping to finish up Sheza soon. I'd like to list her before it gets too close to Christmas. The dappling on her so far is going well. I really don't want to screw that up!

I'll post pix when she's further along.

Friday, November 11, 2011


I started working on Sheza. She is going to be a really sooty buckskin.  She went through this absolutely hideous period where I seriously had doubts.  Then, I started blocking in some dapples.

Here she is so far:

Just starting to add dapples here           
 I am so terrified I am going to "ruin" her.  I am really going to take my time. I haven't sealed anything in, so I can totally "delete" the dapples. LOL!  It has been way to cold and windy here to do any sealing anyway.

I haven't started on Sadie yet. I am really nervous to start on her as some really experienced artists have been having trouble with her and how she is sculpted. Gulp!

I also listed another of my pieces for sale on Ebay.


Lesson learned, I put a reserve of $150 on this guy. So far no bids. If he doesn't sell, so be it but at least I won't be "giving" him away like I did with Ben. At least Ben went to a good home, but still.

We'll see how it goes.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011


Here we are at November already. Where did this year go? Our tree will be up in a few weeks. I actually have a decent start on my Christmas shopping this year. I tend to avoid the craziness of shopping at a mall around the holidays.  I prefer ordering online and avoiding the craziness.   Some people enjoy the crowds and hustle and bustle of a mall around Christmas. Not me! 

I haven't been able to work on any horses at all. We had a suprise snowfall on Saturday. I woke up to find a blanket of white on our line. It was beautiful, but caused a lot of problems. Luckily we didn't lose our power. We had a Halloween party to get to and all I could think of was how funny it would be if a Halloween party was cancelled because of snow!

Here are some pictures of the horse I am referencing to paint Sadie:

This mare has such interesting facial markings.  She's just not a plain chestnut!